Rotojet spraying washing machines

Aqueous detergent washing machines are able to clean a variety of difficult components such as blind hole rivets, turned parts, stampings, etc, which are contaminated with cutting oils or chips.

This machine exploits the rotation of the basket on its own horizontal axe. The rotation of the basket assists the washing solution to move over all the areas of the product giving better cleaning capability, coupled with the centrifugal force on rotation of the basket and the spraying system we generate a far better searching capability, even for hidden hollows.

These washing machines are able to clean a variety of difficult components such as blind hole rivets, at hydrokinetic effect, ensuring the cleaning and drying of a basket of dirty work every 15 minutes using only water based detergents.

The size of the basket for the standard machine is mm 500x300x200 high. Larger baskets are available on customer request (please see special plants).

Rotojet spraying washing machines: Mod. 313/s

Aqueous spray washing machine at closed cycle. It cleanses various different types of components that require the removal of mineral oils, or metal chips.

Basket of 500 x 300 x 200mm high.
Cycle: washing - rinsing - drying

Production - Approximately 1 basket every 15 minutes.

Rotojet spraying washing machines: Mod. 212 - with basket rotating on its horizontal axe

Basket dimensions: 1200 x 600 x h 800 mm. The machine is working in Italy at an aluminium foundry and used for manifolds treatment.

Rotojet spraying washing machines: Mod. 3120

Washing, rinsing and drying machine for treatment of automotive components that are placed in baskets.
The model shown here is made with one, two or three treatment tanks and a possible station hot air drying can be added to all the models.
Basket rotating on a horizontal axis. Maximum capacity 700 kg.

The model is functioning in Russia.

Rotojet spraying washing machines: Mod. CUBIX 260

The washing machine Mod. CUBIX 260 is made of a small booth where the basket exploits the rotation on its own horizontal axe.

The rotation permits a careful treatment of the parts, especially of the hidden hollows and it permits saving water.

The machine Mod. CUBIX 260 is small-dimensioned and completely stainless steel assembled.

It’s available with cycle of washing by spraying-drying or one washing by sparying immersion only, plus drying.